free stonesoup ecookbook, obcojęzyczne

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 for my mates
thanks for your support xx
stonesoup | minimalist home cooking
a FREE e-cookbook.
© Jules Clancy 2010
All rights reserved.
This is a FREE e-book. Please spread the love and share it with anyone you think may beneit from a
collection of fast, fresh, simple recipes. It can be downloaded from
the story of stonesoup
what is minimalist home cooking?
how minimalist home cooking can HELP YOU
about 5 ingredients | 10 minutes
snacks & starters
salads & vegetables
pasta & noodles
grain & legumes
meat, ish & eggs
sweet treats
how to setup a minimalist kitchen
how to stock a minimalist pantry
about the author
[5 ingredients | 10 minutes]
page 3
Hi there. My name is Jules Clancy.
I love food. I love wine
. And I’m the only person I know that is
crazy enough to have degrees in both.
In 2005, I was working as a food scientist developing new products for a gobal cereal company when
I discovered the world of food blogs. I’d always
longed to write recipes for a living
, however,
it seemed like an impossible career to crack into. But anyone could start a blog... and so began
After a few months writing, I knew this was what I was meant to do. I invested in a digital camera and
by trial and a lot of error began to take photos of my food. In January 2010, I took the next step on my
blogging path and quit my day job to become
a full-time blogger
stonesoup is a blog that
helps people become better home cooks
by using a minimalist approach
to cooking. It allows me to use my food science knowledge for good. I focus on reducing the number
of ingredients, the amount of equipment, the number of steps involved, and the time we spend in the
kitchen to a minimum so we can
focus what’s important
. It’s about simple, wholesome, delicious
food that is easy to prepare and still fun and satisfying to eat.
Why the FREE e-cookbook? Over the past year I’ve been writing a series of recipes that have only
5 ingredients
and take
10 minutes
to prepare. They’ve been published in a number of locations.
I thought it would be useful to have these recipes all together in the one handy ebook that you can
keep on your laptop or computer at work as an
at-your-ingertips reference
for when you need
inspiration for what to cook for dinner.
If you do ind this recipe book useful, I’d really appreciate it if you
shared the love
and forwarded it
to your family and friends. Or better yet - send them the link to stonesoup (
so they can download their own copy and discover the wonderful world of food blogging themselves.
Jules x
[5 ingredients | 10 minutes]
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