gimp-keys-en, GIMP RÓŻNOŚCI

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//-->GIMP QuickreferenceHelpF1ViewWindowMenus can also be activated by Alt with the letterF10underscored in the menu name.ShiftF1HelpContext HelpShiftF10,ShiftCtrlclickToolboxToolsREFZShiftF11QWMain MenuDrop-down MenuToggle fullscreenToggle quickmaskClose document windowZoom inZoom outZoom 1:1Shrink wrapFit image in windowZoomScroll canvasScroll canvasZoomRect SelectEllipse SelectFree SelectFuzzy SelectSelect By ColorScissorsPathsColor PickerMoveCrop and ResizeRotateScaleShearPerspectiveFlipTextBucket FillBlendPencilPaintbrushEraserAirbrushInkCloneBlur/SharpenSmudgeDodge/BurnSwap ColorsDefault Colors+-1CtrlShiftCtrlShiftEEwheelOIBOMCRTSPFTBLNPEAKCUSDThis fits the windows to the image size.Scrolling (panning)CtrlarrowsdragScrolling by keys is accelerated, i.e. it speeds up when youpress Shift+arrows, or jumps to the borders withCtrl+arrows.wheelShiftShiftShiftShiftShiftShiftScroll canvas verticallyScroll canvashorizontallyCtrlwheelRulers and GuidesdragdragShiftShiftDrag off a ruler to createguideDrag off the horizontal or vertical ruler to create a newguide line. Drag aCtrlline onto the ruler tosample point outguideDrag adelete it.of the rulersShiftCtrlRToggle rulersShiftCtrlTToggle guidesShiftEditUndo/redoCtrlCtrlShiftDouble click on the tool buttons opens the Tool Optionsdialog.ZYContextXDUndoRedoCopy selectionCut selectionPaste clipboardClears selectionNamed copy selectionNamed cut selectionNamed paste clipboardErase selectionFill with FG ColorFill with BG ColorFill with PatternClipboardCtrlCtrlCXClick on the colors to change the colors.This places a copy of the selection to the GIMPclipboard.FileCtrlCtrlCtrlAltCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlShiftCtrlCtrlShiftCtrlCtrlThis works the same as "copy selection" followed by deletingCtrlVthe selection.This places the clipboard objects as a floatingselectionCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlKNOOD123456789SSEEQNew imageOpen imageOpen image as new layerDuplicate imageOpen recent image 01Open recent image 02Open recent image 03Open recent image 04Open recent image 05Open recent image 06Open recent image 07Open recent image 08Open recent image 09Open recent image 10Save imageSave under a new nameExport toExport ...QuitShiftShiftShiftCXVFillCtrlCtrlCtrlDDDLayersPgUpPgDnShift,,CtrlCtrlTabTabHomeEndCtrlCtrlMHSelect the layer aboveSelect the layer belowSelect the first layerSelect the last layerMerge visible layersAnchor layerDialogsCtrlShiftShiftCtrlCtrlCtrlShiftCtrlCtrlShiftShiftCtrlCtrlSelectionsCtrlCtrlShiftCtrlCtrlShiftCtrlShiftLBPGTPINLayersBrushesPatternsGradientsTool-OptionsPalettesInfo windowNavigation windowTAAILVToggle selectionsSelect allSelect noneInvert selectionFloat selectionPath to selectionThese open a new dialog window if it wasn't open yet,otherwise the corresponding dialog gets focus.Within a DialogCtrlFiltersCtrlShiftCtrlCtrlClose the windowJump to next widgetTabShiftJump to previousEnterSet thewidgetnewvalueThisSpaceaccepts the new value you typed in a text field andEnterreturns focus to canvas.,Activate current button orAltPgUp,CtrlPgDnIn a multi-tab dialog, switchlisttabsWithin a File DialogAltF4,WTabFFRepeat last filterReshow last filterZoom toolclickShiftAltLupAltdownOpen LocationUp-FolderDown-FolderZoom inZoom outShiftclickdrag [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
