handbrakecablefix, AutoMoto, Fiat
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As you can see the hand brake has 3 cables. The one that goes in
the in car lever (2) with a distributor on the end and 2 cables
to the drums (discs) (3).
The most common cable stick appears on the drum cables (3).
So to stop it from doing it, you must get some kind of spray,
either WD40, silicone spray, graphite oil spray, or use fine
mechanic oil, the second thing you will need is any type of
grease that can handle low temperatures and
water resistant.
The process:
First you have to remove the wheel and the drum. If you
have calipers, you will only have to remove the wheel.
Clean the places where the steal cable goes out of the
grommet*(circled red), you don’t need to do the one in the
car, because it isn’t on a place that can get dirty. To
clean the places on either exits, you may need to remove
the rubber(yellow arrows) that protects it off.
If you
the rubber ends, and they are still intact, you
will just need to pour/spray some lubricant in the cable.
If the rubber is broken/missing, then do all steps.
After you cleaned the exits, you first spray in the cable
with some spray (mentioned above) or fill it with some fine
mechanical oil. Apply it a lot.
This file is for private use only, no hosting on web sites is allowed. The file is
property of
BOO-fiat bravo/a owners organization
After you have done that – fill the cable inside, you need
to find someone to work in the cable, by pulling the lever
in the car up/down. If all works (no sticking) and you have
the rubber covers that are intact, just reposition them and
you done. If not go to next step
When you see that the cable is returning to its place (the
drum shoe should back its self in the neutral/un braked
place) get the grease and grease the place where the cable
exits the cable grommet* (red circled). Use a lot of grease
so it fills the exit place. If it doesn’t return, spray a
bit more and work it in with pulling the in car lever
up/down till it starts to return back normal and then
grease it.
When that is done, try the handbrake once more. If all
works, put the drum and the wheel back on.
All done
in this case refers to the metal, coated with plastic
tube in witch the steel cable is positioned. Or
better said in what it slides back/forth.
This file is for private use only, no hosting on web sites is allowed. The file is
property of
BOO-fiat bravo/a owners organization
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