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FBUDF, a small project to enhance ibudf.The library ibudf that comes with IB5, IB6 and FB has some generic routines.However, it lacks others and it seems a good idea to enhance it with morefunctionality. The first test is to build a separate small library. When thosefunctions have been tested, they may be included in ibudf. This way, it's possibleto experiment with fbudf without mangling the established library.This is initially a MSVC project for Windows. It will be generalized later.It doesn't use ib_util because it relies on the engine providing returnarguments when they are of type string.Originally, this library intends to offer:NVL => one for integers and the other for strings. This way, the overheadfor strings can be avoided for integers.NULLIF => same idea than before.DOW (Day of Week) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...SDOW(Short Day of Week) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu ....(The following two aren't necessary:SUBSTR: It has been superseded by internal SUBSTRING in Firebird.LEFT: You can use SUBSTRING(s from 1 for N) in Firebird)RIGHT: This will work only for 1-byte charsets.TRUNCATE / ROUND(The following two are already in udflib:CEILING / FLOOR)Date manipulation stuff ...Add a day, week, month, year to a date.String <-> BLOBSTRING2BLOB(Firebird already is capable of accepting a string to populate a blob on INSERT only.)---Claudio Valderrama - July 2001.
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