freeform bracelet, robienie biżuterii

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Excerpted with permission of the publisher from
Woven Wire Jewelry
by Linda L. Chandler and Christine R. Ritchey. Copyright 2004 Interweave Press, Inc.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
free-form bracelet
The freedom to make mistakes provides
the best environment for creativity.
This bracelet is fun to make and begs to be customized. Once you understand the
technique, you can try various combinations of wire and materials. For example,
adding beads or wire coils to the long, curved parts can produce interesting
results. The bracelet can be lengthened to make a great ankle bracelet or choker.
You can wear it on your upper arm, Cleopatra-style. Maybe you will even invent a
new weave! It might be a good idea to make this bracelet in copper until you mas-
ter the technique.
16-gauge (1.3 mm) round dead-
soft gold-filled wire (This wire
makes a strong bracelet that
will hold its shape very well.)
Masking tape
Flat-nose pliers
Nylon-jaw pliers
Round-nose pliers
Stepped/chain-nose pliers
Flat file
Wire cutters
Sharp-pointed felt marker
Excerpted with permission of the publisher from
Woven Wire Jewelry
by Linda L. Chandler and Christine R. Ritchey. Copyright 2004 Interweave Press, Inc.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
Figure 1
Make a loop.
Figure 2
Wrap the loop
with masking
These instructions are for a 7" (18-cm)
bracelet. The bracelet has seven sections
that should measure about 1" each. To
lengthen or shorten the bracelet, add or
omit one or more sections.
Figure 3
Taped wires in
the clamp
Figure 4
uncrossed and
Cut the wire into three 20" (0.5 m) pieces. Find the
center and fold the wires in half with flat-nose pli-
ers. The wires should form a loop that crosses in a
graceful curve
Figure 1
Figure 5
Wires divided
into three sets
of two wires.
The loop’s inside diameter should be about

" (1.3
cm) at its widest part. Wrap this loop with masking
Figure 2
and place the taped loop in the
clamp (
Figure 3
). Uncross the wires and straighten
Figure 4
. This may sound strange, but hang
in there!
Excerpted with permission of the publisher from
Woven Wire Jewelry
by Linda L. Chandler and Christine R. Ritchey. Copyright 2004 Interweave Press, Inc.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
Divide the wires into three sets of
two wires
Figure 5
.We will
call the sets the left set, the
middle set, and the right
set. As you weave, the sets
will change position
often. To avoid confu-
sion, whichever set hap-
pens to be on the left
will be called the left set,
whichever set is in the
middle will be the middle
set, and whichever set is on
the right will be the right set.
Figure 6
The middle set
placed behind
the left set.
Figure 7
Making the
first twist.
Figure 8
Hold the top of
the twist very
firmly and
spread the sets
far apart.
Move the middle set behind the left
Figure 6
. Complete the first
twist by pulling the middle set to the
left with your left hand and the left set to the
right with your right hand
Figure 7
. This twist
should be fairly tight. Keep the wires flat and in
line. Just let the clamp dangle.
Figure 9
Place the
middle set
behind the
left set.
Grasp the top of the twist with your left thumb and
index finger and spread the wire sets farther apart
to prepare for the second twist
Figure 8
. To make
the second twist, place the middle set behind the
left set
Figure 9
and bring the left set in front of
the middle set
Figure 10
. Keep a tight grip on top
of the first twist throughout these steps.
Figure 10
Place the left
set in front of
the middle set.
Excerpted with permission of the publisher from
Woven Wire Jewelry
by Linda L. Chandler and Christine R. Ritchey. Copyright 2004 Interweave Press, Inc.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
Figure 11
Completing the
second twist.
Figures 11 and 12
show the completion of the second
Figure 12
The two twists
Figure 13
Grasp the right
set in your right
Bend the right set of wires to the left, behind the mid-
dle set, to join the left set
Figures 13 and 14
for a graceful curve.
Figure 14
Curve the right
set and bring it
behind the
middle set.
Figure 15
The left set
pulled across
and in front
of the other
two sets. The
is circled.
Pull what is now the left set to the right, across and in
front of the other two sets
Figure 15
. Grasp the
place where the wires intersect (marked by the cir-
cle). Place your left hand as in
Figure 16
. This com-
pletes the first section.
Excerpted with permission of the publisher from
Woven Wire Jewelry
by Linda L. Chandler and Christine R. Ritchey. Copyright 2004 Interweave Press, Inc.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
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