gog lords of xulima - Bestiary & Mythology, Gry Linux
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//-->In the beginning, the universe was cold, empty andcompletely silent. But it was not dark, at its centershined a light of brilliant white intensity, as if all theenergy of the universe was concentrated in one point.At the beginning of the count of time, the spherefragmented into nine smaller spheres, each adifferent color of light, just as light refracts whenpassing through a prism. These spheres of energythen took shape and developed their ownpersonalities, they were made of living essence andall the energy of the universe flowed through theirhands.Each of them was the master of one part ofthe energy from which they came, yet none couldmaster the powers of their brethren.This race of progenitors is called the Xulnari“The Light Bearers”,each of the nine chose a name:Alnaet, Golot, Raznet, Febret, Taliet, Kersket, Valvet,Nalaet and Yûl.There, deep in the vacuum of space, the nine bearersof light, gathered together and shared their thoughts.They soon found that each was opposed to the others,as they were separate parts of the original prime light.Though there were nine all-powerful beings,each felt alone. From this solitude grew a longing tofind other sentient beings that shared a part of whothey were.So it was decided that their powers would beused to create a world where life would flourish. Lifewith understanding that they could watch from theemptiness of the firmament.Of all the Lords of Xulima there were four whopossessed knowledge of the physical world, they wereValvet, Taliet, Kersket and Nalaet. The four Lords of theElements united their efforts to give the world itsphysical shape.Thus, Valvet, the master of fire and rage,launched a great ball of fire which radiated bright hotlight, and Kersket, the Sculptor of Rock, enclosed itwith earth and stone, creating a solid surface to walkupon, as well as the mountains, canyons and cliffs.Then came Nalaet, from her fingers spoutedoceans that covered most of the surface of the earth,forming the great continent of Rodinia, surrounded bythe interminable sea of Mirovia. Yet, there was nomovement until Taliet blew with a whispering soundand the sky filled with wind and clouds. Her windseroded the high mountains of Kersket and stirred thedeepest oceans of Nalaet.
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