halloween memo-nice cards, Halloween - gry i zabawy

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//-->Created by Elizabeth Hah 2013© Elizabeth Hah 2013 TEACHER NOTESI hope you enjoy using these Halloween Match Cards.To use: Simply print out the cards, cut and laminate them.For extension: For some of these activities you might like to print off 2 copies ofthese cards. This way students can differentiate not only between objects, but thesame objects in different colors. For eg, instead of matching the pink and bluespiders, they have to match 2 pink spiders as well as 2 blue spiders.Literacy activity suggestions:1. 2. Place them in alphabetical order (using only 1 of each object).Memory: Place all cards face down randomly in 4 rows of 6. Students work, orcompete, in pairs to match the objects. Once paired --  Students should name the objects.-  They can name the initial sound.-  When finished they can write the words they matched.3.  Read the room: One set of cards are kept aside, and the matching cards arehidden around the room. Students are given a number of the cards and searchthe room to find the pair. They write the words as they find them. Varying thenumber of cards given to each student helps with differentiation.4.  Trick or Treat: 2 students are given 4 cards each, the other cards are placed inone pile facedown. The goal is to find matching pairs. Player 1 checks theircards & asks the other player for a matching card (for eg, a pumpkin). Ifplayer 2 has one, they hand it over and the pair is put aside, then player 1 mayask again. If not, they say Trick or Treat & player 1 takes a card from the topof the pile and player 2 takes their turn. If a player runs out of cards, theytake another from the pile. The winner is the player with the most pairs once allcards are matched.-  Players can use tally marks to keep track of the score over multiplegames.-  Players can name the initial sound and/or write the words they matched.Regards,Liz from Liz’s Early Learning Spot© Elizabeth Hah 2013 ghostghost© Elizabeth Hah 2013 batbatspiderspiderhousewitchwitch© Eleth Hizab013 ah 2candyhousecandylollipoplollipop© Elizabeth Hah 2013 cloudbedbedcloud [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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