gog lords of xulima - Game Guide, Gry Linux
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//-->GAMEGUIDETheSECRETSXULIMAOFTipsWalkthroughCharacter ClassesSkillsWeapons………...……………………..………...……………………..………...……………………..………...……………………..………...……………………..373143175Witha short break of 8 hours, your group will regain all powerpoints and also heal all minor injuries. With a 24 hour rest , the groupwill also heal fatal wounds.When a fighter is stunned they cannot evade the blows of the enemy.Having multiple wounds will make your attacks weaker and lessenyour ability to evade incoming attacks. It also increases the chance ofspell failure.Fatal injuries occur when the character loses all of his life points. Tocure them, you will need to rest for 24 hours or seek the powers of acleric.When a fighter is burning, he will continue to lose life points everyturn. The burning will gradually decrease until the flames areextinguished completely.You can assign skill points after you level up. If you have earnedpoints through training or the use of herbs, you will still need to waitfor the next level to use the points.If your food reserves are very low, it is better to use them on yourway back to a village. A wandering enemy might ambush yourcharacters when they are too weak to fight.The enemies wandering the danger zones are finite. If you kill all theThe starting queue order in open combat depends on the initiativeenemies in an area, the visible enemies and the wandering enemies,you will get bonus experience for "Enemy Zone Clear".of the combatants. If you've been ambushed, all your characters willfight last..Fighters in the back row can only perform physical attacks with longweapons such as the spear and missile weapons like bows andcrossbows.A fighter can not remain in the back row if there is no ally in front ofthem.Oftenyou'll encounter enemies much more powerful than yourgroup. Avoid such encounters, and wait until your group has grownstronger.Before venturing out into the wild, make sure you take picks, torchesand sufficient food reserves .Examine everything in the surrounding environment. You can findEachhidden objects and collect many herbs by looking closely. Use the rightmouse button to examine any map element or interface.enemy has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some areimmune to different types of damage and vulnerable to others. As youdefeat more enemies, the information in your Bestiary will becomemore detailed.You will use your food reserves at different rates depending on whattype of terrains you traverse. Your party will be able to travel further asyou improve your abilities, like the Knowledge of Terrains ability.When a character is in flames, stunned, asleep or tangled in webs,you can use the, "Help an ally" skill to remove those conditions.
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