foame2, Modele

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FOAMe II 3D Park Flyer
Designed by Steven Gibson
Bottom wing cut from one piece of 6mm Depron foam
Wing Span....... 30.5”
Lienth............ 33”
Power.............AXI 2212/34 brushless outrunner
Prop.............. GWS 11x4 -- 12x4
Ch................ 5
Battery.......... 3 Cell-700 to 1200mAh-Li-Poly
Cut 6mm slots for strut tabs.
Dry fit and trim excise.
Strengthened with 4mm carbon fiber tube (bottom wing only). Cut a
channel (per plan) on the bottom of the bottom wing only and CA or
use RC Z 56.
Lighty coat back of plan parts with
Spray Adhesive, apply each part to
Depron. Carefully cut each out
using a strightedge and #11 Xacto.
Dry fit assembly--check alignment.
Round the leading edges by sanding.
Apply trim scheme before final
Aileron servos.
Use Dubro Mini
E/Z Connetors
for easy ajustments.
Mount using 3M
Double Coated
Industrial Foam Tape
Rx and Servos
* GWS R-6NII 5ch receiver or Hitec Electron 6 FM
* 4 Waypoint W-084 Micro Servos or Hitec HS 55
Brushed Motor
(Good performance)
* GWS EPS350C “DS” Gearing Motor
* GWS ICS-300 Speed Controller
* Prop GWS 12x6 Slow Flyer
* 3 Cell-800-1200mAh-11.1v Li-Poly Battery
Brushless Motor
* AXI 2028/34 outrunner
(Max performance)
* Phoenix 25amp speed controller
* 3 Cell 700-1200mAh-11.1v Li-Poly Battery
* GWS 12x6 slow flyer
(modified hub)
* HiMaxx 5100 or 5400
(Max performance)
w/GWS 350C “DS” gearbobx
* Phoenix 25amp speed controller
* 3 Cell 700-1200mAh-11.1v Li-Poly Battery
* APC 12x3.8 electric slow flyer
A Rotary Tool Cutting Adapter is
perfect for clean, easy to make,
grooves for Fiber Carbon rod
stiffiners. Glue stiffiners in with
RC Z 56 or medium/thick CA.
Assemble using RC Z 56 or medium
or thick CA. Colored Zagi tape works
great for trim. It’s best to trim each
part before assembly.
* Depron 6mm White (www.depronusa.com)
* 30” 4mm & 2mm wrapped carbon fiber tube
* .040 Solid Carbon Rod (push rods + stab support)
or...optional 3mm flat carbon rod tab support
* .080 Solid Carbon Rod (landing gear support)
* Medium or Thick foam friendly CA
* Foam friendly CA accelerator
* JZ Products Super RC “Z’ 56 glue
* 1” Self-sticking Hook & Loop
(Velcro-Industrial Strength) tape
* Clear packing tape
* 4-E-flite Micro Control Horns No. EFLA200
OR...4 Du-Bro Micro Control Horns No. 848
* 4 Du-Bro Micro E/Z Links No. 849
* .032 wire control arms
* Du-Bro RC Electric Flyer Hinge Tape (3M Blenderm)
* Zagi tape for trim scheme (optional)
* Straight edge razor-blades
* No. 11 Xacto knife
* Metal yardstick
* 3M Photomount Spray Adhesive
(for plan transfer to Depron)
Bottom Wing
TOP wing cut from one piece of 6mm Depron foam
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Cut 6mm slots for strut tabs.
Dry fit and trim excise.
Control Horn Detail
Hinge Detail
.032 wire control rods
Best results are achieved by using 1”
wide Du-Bro RC Electric Flyer Hinge
Tape (3M Blenderm) for all hinges.
Clean all parts with rubbing alcohol
before applying.
Top wing
Cut micro
servo arm
or Zip-Tie
control horn
Aileron to aileron control horns. Cut a
slot for horn dry fit, remove and CA back
in place. See aileron detail diagram.
Ta p e
Aileron Servo
Use Du-Bro Micro E/Z Links
Strip plastic cover
from small gauge wire
and CA to ends of
control rods
Top Wing
Tip: Fabricate Aileron to Aileron
control horns out of Dubro
Micro 90 Bellcranks. Use
medium CA to secure.
Fabricate control horns
from spare micro servo
control arms, Dubro Micro
90 Bellcranks (No. 851) or
nylon Zip-Ties.
Groove and glue in
2mm wrapped carbon tube
using medium CA.
Top/bottom tabs are extended to allow for flush
trimming during dry fitting of wing.
AXI 2208/34 External Rotor Brushless
Rudder cut line
Note: Mount speed controller
as close to motor as possible.
Denotes cut-lines
Elevator Servo
Control Horns
Rudder Servo
4mm wrapped carbon tube fuselage stiffener.
Groove foam and glue with order-free (foam
freindly) CA or JZ Products Super RC Z 56
1/8” light plywood radial mount,
reinforced with Depron triangle stock
on all 4 sides
.032 Wire Pushrod
2-3 Cell
700-1200 mAh
Li-Poly Battery
Inch Scale reference,
check after printing.
Note:Tail and rudder servos placement is approximate. Locate and mount servos so the
plane balances on the CG with all components except battery. This allows for battery
movement fore and aft to fine tune CG and allow for different flight characteristics.
Notch 1/8 lite plywood AXI
motor mount 6mm at
Note: Battery location is approximate. Adjust accordingly based
on battery weight, dimensions and desired flight characteristics.
Mount using self-sticking hook and loop (Velcro) tape.
Bottom Tab
Bottom Wing
All airframe parts and control surfaces are cut from 6mm Deporn Foam
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