gpuRecorder Readme, plugins
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======================================================================GPU Recorder v2.0 (October, 12th 2003.)by Matesic Darko======================================================================e-mail: darkman@eunet.yu1) About---------This is a PSEMU Pro graphic Plugin that acts as a wrapperfor other plugins while saving information that are send to plugininto a file. Later that file can be used to replay that informationagain using any of available gpu plugins. Plugin is intended to beused for debuging gpu plugins.2) Usage---------Copy gpuRecorder.dll into plugins directory of psx emulatorand configure it through emulator. In configuration dialog you onlyhave to select another gpu plugin for display. Recorder files areautomaticaly recorder when emulation starts and finished whengpu is closed (not emulation just gpu). Files are saved in Recordsubdirectory of an emulator and are named RecordXXXX.rec (or someother directory if specified in options). After recording you canplay them with GPU Player.Recorder files are usualy huge for the amount of recordedtime. You can choose to compress it internally while recording oryou can rebuild it with gpuPlayer with compressions or you canjust compress it manualy with some compression tool (if youcompress it with another tool you will have to decompress itbefore playback).3) Options------------ Plugin: select your plugin as you would normaly selectit in an emulator- Recording Start:- gpu open: recording starts immediately whenemulation starts- load state: recording starts when you load astate for the first time- key press: recording starts when you pressselected key- Recording Stop:- gpu close: recording stops when gpu is closed- key press: recording stops when you pressselected key- Output:- use custom directory: check this and enter adirectory you want your recorded files to be- Status Display:- title bar: recording status is displayed inwindow title bar- send to gpu: if gpu has functions GPUdisplayTextit can be used to display status (if youuse this you won't be able to see gpuoptions and status like FPS)- draw manually: status will be drawn manually atthe bottom of the screen.- Options:- record sound: if checked and spuRecorder isproperly configured sound will be recorded- compress data: just check this so recorded filewill be smaller in size (uses defaultzlib compression)- Demo Maker Recording: with this option on whilerecording everything between last save stateand load state will be discarded; (eg. I madea demo of me playing '4 survivor' scenarion inResident Evil 2 where demo shows how I runthrough all rooms without a scratch althoughI really used save state in every room andhad had many tries to pass them until I'vedone it right)4) Known problems / still to do-------------------------------- context menus perhaps ?- file size checks ? what happens on 4GB (never tested it)- total frames check ? (About half million frames could be recorded)- dma chains do not handle memory transfers so if a game usesit there will be truouble; it is posible to resolvethis but plugin needs some additional checking(never gonna do it)- memory reads are recorder; they could be avoided but againplugin then needs additional checking(i don't want to do it)5) Version history-------------------Octover, 12th 2003. Version 2.0--------------------------------- sound recording- compressionAugust, 4th 2002. Version 1.1----------------------------------- added more options: recording start/stop, "Demo Maker"July, 29th 2002. Version 1.0----------------------------------- first public release====================================================================e-mail: darkman@eunet.yu
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