hbl config, Konsole, PSP, PSP, psp

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# Config File for HBL# Lines starting with "#" are comments# hb_folder# The menu displays the contents of this folder at startuphb_folder=ms0:/PSP/GAME/# return_to_xmb_on_exit# If set to 1, returns directly to XMB when exiting a homebrew instead of going back to the HBL menureturn_to_xmb_on_exit=0# force_exit_button# combination of buttons to press to force exit a homebrew and return to HBL# useful for homebrews that don't have an exit menu, since the HOME button doesn't work in HBL# use hex values# PSP_CTRL_SELECT = 0x000001, PSP_CTRL_START = 0x000008, PSP_CTRL_UP = 0x000010, PSP_CTRL_RIGHT = 0x000020,# PSP_CTRL_DOWN = 0x000040, PSP_CTRL_LEFT = 0x000080, PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER = 0x000100, PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER = 0x000200,# PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE = 0x001000, PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE = 0x002000, PSP_CTRL_CROSS = 0x004000, PSP_CTRL_SQUARE = 0x008000,# For example select + start is 1+8 = 0x9## Comment out for performanceforce_exit_buttons=0x00000009# syscalls_known# For Devs only: this is to force the variable syscalls_known to 0, in order to simulate the "syscall estimation"# on a psp that should normally have perfect syscalls# syscalls_known=0################ override_*################The override_* params specify if a given function of the firmware should be overriden by HBL# values can be 0, 1, or -1 (see specific parameters for details)## 0 : attempt to estimate syscall (let the HBL do its job)## 1 : use the override if/when available# (usually overrides are guaranteed to work, unlike syscall estimates, but they might have drawbacks.# for example, the override for sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive is sceCtrlReadBufferPositive, which will work all the time but is slower## -1 : replace the function with a function that does nothing and returns 0 (ok).# Usually not recommended, only to avoid some crashes for functions that are "not really required".# a good example is sceIoMkdir which is sometimes only needed the first time a game is ran, when the game creates# its default directories. Instead of estimating sceIoMkdir, you can create the folders manually, and tell the homebrew to do nothing# Whenever sceIoMkdir is called## Overrides are only useful on firmware 6.20 for PSP2000/3000/1000. On lower firmwares, and all models on the psp go,# Since syscall estimation is perfect, those tricks are not needed# 0 is the defaut value# override_sceIoMkdir# values: 0, -1# override_sceIoMkdir=-1# override_sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive# values: 0, 1# 0: attempt to estimate syscall (emulators will be faster, but there's a risk that the game doesn't start)# 1: Use the override (sceCtrlReadBufferPositive). Slower but guaranteed to workoverride_sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive=1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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